Information (Home)

Heyzie has recently been acquired by Hetrus. The new owners have decided that there is no benefit in keeping a dead site alive, so we’re making this transition to Hetrus.

All Heyzie data has been preserved in a secure drive. If we ever decide to bring Heyzie back in the future, we can do so easily thanks to these backups.

We understand this may come as a surprise. We sincerely apologize for the short notice. Thank you for supporting us during our time as Heyzie.

We hope you’ll join us over at Hetrus, where we aim to create even better experiences and content for our users.

Over 130 users have already signed up on Hetrus, and the community is growing rapidly. The Hetrus team is working diligently to bring back all the original parts of the site, including their game, to deliver the best possible experience.

Official Discord Server

If you have any questions or want to stay updated, join our official Discord server!